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The Importance of Having an Advanced Directive or Healthcare Power of Attorney During the COVID-19 Crisis

It is IMPORTANT to have an advanced directive or healthcare power of attorney during the COVID-19 crisis

We hope you and your family are staying safe during the COVID-19 crisis.  Because of the dramatic number of people of all ages coming down with Coronavirus infections, our hospitals, doctors and other healthcare professionals are under a great deal of pressure. It is more important than ever to have a healthcare power of attorney (HCPOA) in place. If you can’t speak for yourself or make healthcare decisions for yourself, the person you appoint in your HCPOA will have the authority to make your wishes known and make healthcare decisions for you. Doctors and other healthcare professionals honor these decisions and can focus on providing medical care.

During the COVID-19 crisis, we are using teleconferencing to allow our clients to complete or update HCPOA’s from the safety and convenience of home. For this important service, we are charging a reduced fee of $75 for a single HCPOA and $100 for two HCPOA’s.

If you would like us to draft or update your HCPOA, please email or call us with the information requested below. We will then draft your HCPOA and send it to you to review. When you approve it, we will set up a video conference so that you can sign your HCPOA in your home. After your HCPOA is signed and mailed to our office, we can send electronic (or paper, if you wish) copies to you, your doctor or the hospital of your choice.

It’s that simple. Call or email Belinda at (603) 625-6441 or to get your HCPOA done today.

You may download our .PDF here: Healthcare Power of Attorney & COVID19 , enter your information and send to us.

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